
January 10, 2010

fresh start

I think I was very good at English olympics & also a great time with Tania.We used to hang out a lot in summer and now,we are catching up.


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I start a detox tomorrow.I am very determinated to loose weight and I will be patient,and take care of my body in a proper way.I promisse,until summer I'll look really good.And now I really believe what I'm saying.

This post is last tribute to junk food and sweets !


  1. Lovely vid! I'm starting a new regimen to take better care of myself as well. 'Tis the season at the beginning of the new year, I guess!

  2. oh I love the pictures!! looks so yum. sadly enough I've been trying to lose some weight as well.. haha poor us!

  3. I am trying to loose weight too! Look at all of us with the same wish!! Good luck to everyone, it is very hard, I have been trying (not very hard!) for a while now haha. Happy New Year! And thanks for all your comments. You are DIY Queen.

  4. thanks for the comment! love your blog, you've got such great style :) good luck with losing weight and staying healthy!! i've got to lay off the multiple midnight snacks haha

  5. good luck with your goal to lose weight in a healthy way! i think sweets is fine once in a while :)


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