
February 21, 2010

And I won't try to fight in the weekend wars

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Weekends make me really happy. It feels like holidays ,with out sunday night .. because you know you'll have to wake up the next day and go to school.But anyway,this Sunday was really cute . I woke up and an e-mail cheered me up (secret info >:) ) and then I met up with a friend I met trought interenet . We shopped a little at the mall (found 2 really great vintage accesories) and then I walked all the afternoon with Criss and Oana. It was pretty warm outside , finally, after so many ugly days.
And now,I have to go and meet up with Bogdi,you know,the guy we met in Sibiu.As usually,I hope we are going to have a lot of fun ! And here is what I wore yesterday ( Oana took the photos ,but she'll be in some of them ). Enjoy your weekend everyone !
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  1. This outfit is so great. I love the hat with the jacket and scarf!

  2. hellaaauu:>
    ce fain se imbraca oana:))
    nu-si face blog?:>

  3. You look too cute! I love the scarf and hat!

  4. Very cute photos and outfit :)

  5. Aw Thank u so much ! Means a lot :)
    Oo cool outfit, and I agree- weekends are the best ! :D And MGMT is gooood :P

  6. Beautiful outfit! Totally envy the scarf. :)
    & thats so cool you got to meet an internet friend face-to-face.
    I've always wanted to do that. Haha. :D

  7. Love the hat! very chic!

  8. Love this outfit! The picture of you posing on the wall is especially cool.


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