
March 12, 2010


My programme is so heavy and busy right now .. I don't have time to breath.Everyday I get home by 7.00 p.m, do some homework , take some exercices and sleep.I use my time for English & Franch classes , rehearsals for 3 plays , test-papers , concerts and stuff.
But still,here are some TheSelby / Tumblr photos and news :) .PROMISSE,tomorrow I'll post the new goodies [the light was so bad today and I didn't really had so much time to take good photos,and you know, quallity not quantity :) ]
Wish ya'll a GREAT WEEKEND !
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  1. gorgeous picture :)t
    thanks for the blog coment!

    follow me :)

  2. yep following you now :)

  3. Wow! I love these pictures! I like them all, I can't choose a favorite. (:

  4. Hope things will be better with all the school and stuff !
    Awesome pix too btw !

  5. Your blog is just AMAZING !

    And i love Place de la concorde.

    I put u on my list "my favourite" on myblog

  6. this picture with the sea is soo beautiful


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