
May 18, 2010

in between

I don't know what's going on with me lately.
I'm dying for some rest,but I hate when I'm resting.
I am sick,it's raining outside and I feel useless.
Must get out of this state.Must repeat to myself : Carpe Diem,Carpe Diem,Carpe Diem baby..
I have to push Play again.
I have to start blogging again, to make time for myself & for all of the small things that used to make me happy.
I must make time to make myself happy.
I must return to what I was.To who I was.
I must do it now .
Now,now,now..carpe diem,carpe diem...


  1. aww, well sometimes i feel like that too
    yes start blogging again sometimes i dont even wanna read any blogs but then i do hahha

  2. un sfat, nu incerca niciodata sa te intorci la ceea ce ai fost in trecut, pentru ca nu e bine si nici nu o sa reusesti. te schimbi si trebuie sa accepti schimbarea pentru ca in fond, face parte din tine, esti "tu". pe bune, uita-te la tine cea de acum, vezi ce nu iti place si schimba in bine, in rest continua asa cum esti. >:D<
    [mai ti minte ideea noastra de tatuaj?]


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