
May 4, 2010

Solving puzzles

I've just arrived home :) After 2 french classes I went out with Victor, Ana and Criss. Such a great time ! Damn,that guy is siiiiiick. I wish he were my brother...
We went in Puzzle Cafe, we laughed, we drank hot chocolate after spending some time out in the rain, we took photos and so on. I really had a good time and I've just made this photos collages :
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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
See you tomorrow !


  1. oh those are some awesome photos, he does look kinda like your brother and your friend looks cool too!
    love the red background!

  2. Haha, yeaa I try to have fun all the time ;)
    Ooo awesome pix, love the red background !! :)

  3. So glad you're back to blogging, lady! I've missed all your fun photos :-)

  4. Cute pics! Love the glasses!


  5. Such cute photos! Looks like you had a lot of fun. :)
    by the way, i'm following you now! :D

  6. cute collage..looks like you all had a blast ;)

    eclectic du jour


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