
July 1, 2010

Confort the 1st // Artwork the 2nd .

Hello everyone ! The sun is back again, with his batteries recharged and the word that is spinning in my mind is : hot , hot , hot ... All I care now is to feel confortable and free. This outfit was really helpful :)
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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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Details : Brown leather sandals , Stradivarius blue jeans , Mom`s old shirt , some wooden bracelets and a long earring - gifted :)
The artwork II . I love this ideea but of course, I forgot to note the owner`s name ...
It`s basically a photograph + some fabric cut as a small dress + some ventilators and voila , a great pieace of artwork :) Enjoy !
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See you tomorrow and thank`s for your comments !


  1. i'm in love with your shirt. and how genius is that artwork? i love the concept of 3D art. :)

  2. yes. i will follow you. follow me also.

  3. I'm loving that shirt, nice blogg!

  4. Your outfit definitely looks comfortable and free!

    And that art IS amazing!!!!

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog


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