
November 8, 2010

autumn is an inspiration , isn't it ?

Hello dear readers & new followers !
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Autumn is so pretty around here, even on November. And you cannot be inspired by something pretty that surrounds you :) Plus, a great song and some cookies to complete a lovely day !
until next time, love love love


  1. hell yes it is an inspiration!! love your boots!!

  2. Merci! :D Poate ca ar purta dar mai greu sa se miste int-run costum ca ala :)) sau poate nu stiu eu smecheria sa il fac mai flexibil ;))
    Ce poze frumoaseeee! :D

  3. Hello. Absolut superbe pozele, in special a doua. Imi place decorul si bocancii tai sunt geniali. Iti vine sa crezi ce toamna calduroasa avem? Nu stiu cum e in Cluj, dar in Bucuresti de 4-5 zile, avem temperaturi de peste 16-17 grade. Btw, love the song.

  4. very atummy yes and beauatiful photos!

  5. Niiice ! and again- love the shoes :P

  6. The autumn colors are such amazing. Great snapshots for this time of the year.

  7. Beautifull pictures, I love autumn colors!

  8. I love this time of year! pumpkins and golden trees.. its so pretty! :) x

  9. I really love these photos, such a dreamy look to them.


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