
December 22, 2010

let it purr, let it purr, let it purr

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
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The winter holiday started on Monday and I've been feeling so inspired with all this free time. That's why I put on my leopard faux fur jacket that I don't usually wear...
Vacanţa de iarna a început luni şi m-am simţit foarte inspirată în ultima vreme cu tot timpul ăsta liber. De aceea am înbrăcat geaca cu model de leopard pe care nu prea o port.
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This is a quick post because I have to go back to baking cookies with mom and decorating the Christmas tree with my father :) .
Acaesta este o postare scurtă pentru că trebuie să mă întorc la ornat prăjiturile cu mama şi la decorat pomul de Crăciun cu tata :).
until next time, love love love

December 21, 2010

favourite spot

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
Before you read this post, please click the PLAY button - it will be worth !
Because this season is al about cozyness and warmth, I want to show you my favourite spot in my house. We didn't use this corner of the living room and I wanted to create a small spot other that my room so I started decorating it. I usually read and blog from there (long live wireless connection) so I think it is a success !
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What do you think ? Do you have a favourite spot in your house?
until next time, lovelovelove

December 20, 2010

in my bed

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
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While applying Cath Kidston's theme for Google Chrome, I was pretty surprised to fell the need to dress more girly. I am usually a tomboy when it comes to clothes - I could perfectly live my life in a blazer and with a hat above my head. But when I saw Cath's floral designs I was in love -
this explains my quite floral shirt underneath the cosy jumper.
Oh, and I am also madly in love with Amy Winehouse's discography right now.
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În timp ce înlocuiam tema lui Cath Kidston pentru Google Chrome am simţit nevoia să mă îmbrac mai feminin. In privinţa stilului meu, aş putea trai fericita cu un sacou si o palarie deasupra capului pentru tot restul vieţii. Dar m-am îndrăgostit de modelele florale ale lui Cath - iar asta explică camaşa mea de sub jerseul comod.
Ah,şi de asemenea sunt îndrăgostită de discografia lui Amy Winehouse .
until next time, love love love & amy.

December 19, 2010

poncho ∆

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
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This weekend was so cosy and I think the outfit reflects that. Wearing winter coats was getting so boring , therefore I had to do something about it. Long live ponchos and huge scarves!
Weelendul acesta a fost atât de comod ; cred că se vede din această ţinută. M-am plictisit să mă tot îmbrac în paltoane sau alte geci, trebuia să încerc ceva nou care să-mi ţină de cald. Noroc cu ponchourile şi fulare uriaşe !
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Wearing : City Chic boots , Pulz jeans, Bershka sweater, SH poncho, SH scarf and a hair bow from Turkey
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until next time , love love love

December 16, 2010

winter wonderland

Hello dear readers and new followers !
If you want to be surrounded by a magical atmosphere , you should watch this ! This is a 3 min video of my beloved hometown , Cluj-Napoca. You will discover the heart of Transylvania which I truly adore !
În caz că vă era dor de o iarna la Cluj, uitaţi-vă la acest video !

December 14, 2010

weekend wars

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
I like to think that I am a pretty modest person but I can't help myself to say that this weekend was...perfect ! On friday I decorated half of my house with Christmas decorations and the atmoshpere now is simply wonderful. And then , on Saturday and Sunday I had the best time with a couple of my bestfriends, chatting , laughing, eating.
Winter always brings us beautiful weekends :)
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Îmi place să cred că sunt o persoană modestă dar nu mă pot abţine să spun ca weekendul acesta a fost perfect ! Vineri am decorat o parte din casă cu tot felul de decoraţiuni de Crăciun şi atmosfera e acum .. speciala. Sambăta şi duminica mi le-am petrecut cu o parte din cei mai buni prieteni, povestind, râzând şi mâncând.
Se pare că iarna ne aduce mereu weekenduri frumoase.

December 12, 2010

let it snow

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
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This is my outfit from a pretty white snowy friday. I expected it to rain and that's the reason why I have rainboots in my feet.But no, the Wathergoddes didn't care about my outfit picks and she gave us snow. What more can I say then let it snow,let it snow , let it snow...
PS: Thank's Nana for taking this photos despite the freezing cold.
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RO : Acesta este ţinuta de vineri , cand a nins încontinuu. Eu mă aşteptam să plouă şi de aceea m-am echipat cu cizme de ploaie.Dar se pare că Zeiţa Vremii avea alte planuri şi nu i-a prea păsat de cizmele mele.Ce pot să spun ? Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ..
PS: Mersi Nana că ai suportat mega-frigul ca să-mi faci pozele.
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until next time, love love love
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December 11, 2010

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Nana reading my favourite book from my childhood : Le petit prince .
My winters all all about friends,good music , books and cosy afternoons.
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i wish you a weekend to remember

December 9, 2010


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Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
In spite of the unfriendly weather I could not wait to try out my Nikon remote control (named Piggy) and to show you my new white jacket I bought on Monday. I usually don't wear completely white clothes but I felt in love with this Vero Moda one...or with its price (aprox. 4 Euros and the condition is great).
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Oh and the adorable watch ring is a present from Nana. It is the most practical ring ever.
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In ciuda vremii urâte de afară nu am mai vrut sa aştept să folosesc noua mea telecomandă Nikon şi să vă arăt noua mea jacheta albă cumpărată luni. Deobicei nu pot haine complet albe, dar m-am îndrăgostit de aceasta. E Vero Moda şi a costat 10 lei...O afacere foarte bună, aş spune eu. Inelul e primit in dar de la Nana şi e atâââât de practic !
Until next time, I am going to leave you with this song , of course, by Hurts

December 8, 2010

hurts does not hurt

I've never ever in my life heart something more amazing, deep , happy , sad, melodical, gorgeous, simple, complex and perfect than Hurts songs. For the first time in my life I've found an album that I adore , truly adore. I am more than sure that I will cry if I see them live and I wan't wait for that moment to come.
Please, follow my advice and buy Hurts's album (Happiness) asap if you haven't done it yet.

December 5, 2010

cosy winter

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it's the same as before or the other time or the time before that.
oh, winter