
December 4, 2010

oh baby when i see you

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
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My weekend started so lovely due to the winter edition of the local vintage fair "Targutu Vintage".I broke my moneybox & spent the money on the cutest accesories ever ! I bought the watch- ring from the following photos from a lovely designer Curcubeul din Tine and the furry broche from a lovely lady . I adore the story behind the little vintage piece which t used to belong to her mother. The lady told me that she remember how she used to play with it when she was a kid. Adorable,isn't it ?
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I can't wait for another shopping day, tomorrow :)
Weekendul meu a început minunat datorită ediţiei de iarna a Târguţului Vintage. Mi-am spart puşculiţa şi mi-am folosit banii pe cele mai draguţe accesorii ! Mi-am cumparat inelul din piese de ceas de la Curcubeul din tine ( şi broşa paroasă de la o tipă foarte draguţă - dar am uitat sa iau carte de vizită. Broşa a aparţinut mamei ei iar tipa mi-a povestit cum işi aduce aminte că se juca cu ea cand era mică. Adorabil, nu
De abia aştept încă o zi de cumpărături, maine ! :)
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until next time, love love love


  1. Omg, cred ca e cel mai deosebit inel pe care l-am vazut pana acum. E facut dintr-un ceas, foarte interesant si original. Sa iti mai zic cat imi plac bocancii tai? Cred ca nu te deranjeaza daca mai spun inca o data ca-i ador.
    Succes si maine la cumparaturi, sper sa mai gasesti accesorii tot la fel de frumoase.

  2. daaaa,si eu ador inelul ! noroc ca se poate comanda si de pe breslo !

    & mersi mult :*

  3. long time no see dear :D
    i like your blazer and your ring, so gorgeous!
    wanna follow each other dear? if you dont mind :)


  4. Ce inel inedit! Sa il porti sanatoasa :D poza cu decoratiunile de craciun e facuta undeva pe bvd eroilor...cred ca era o florarie.. iar cea cu candelabre tot pe acelasi bulevard, la cofetarie Dana (am mancat acolo si o prajitura super, "Raffaelo" se cheama : D )

  5. OOOOOOOOOOMyyygoodd your ring is FAN-TAS-TIC!!!!!
    great look!!

  6. Superb inelul!


  7. Omg the ring is sick! And i love your hair! Can never wear mine short.. :(


  8. te urasc ,,te urasc :))))) o strig asa in gura mare ,,,te rog sa nu te mai afisezi cu inelu asta :)))))))))))) ( glumesc glumesc,,, dar tot te urasc :))))))) ) aaa, si sunt de acord cu Laura Tenshi -- e unu din cele mai originale inele vazute in ultima vreme !!

    Mie imi mai place mult,,daca nu foarte mult sacoul , e grozav ,,,si culoarea e superba !!!

    PS; Hurts - Silver lining pff super super melodie !!

    see ya soooooonnn !!!!!!

  9. foarte chic! Love the blazer and boots.xx

  10. you look so cute :) very nice look :)

  11. wow, i love your outfit! :)
    ant the ring... the ring absolutely amazed me! <3


  12. Your outfit looks so cute! I love it so so much. :)

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  13. you look so cute, and i love your haircut xx

  14. that watch ring is incredible! i've never seen anything quite like it! and the story behind it makes it even more appealing!

    great look you have here too!

    a new follower!

    come stop by for a visit or follow too?!

    x Your Only Blackswan

  15. Cute outfit! I love your style, and especially your hair!

  16. ♡♡♡ Thank you everyone ♡♡♡

  17. your hair is the best thing I've ever seen O:


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