
May 8, 2012

TURKEY 2012 | ready, set, GO !


Merhaba again dear readers ! Finally, we got familiar with all the people involved in the project, with all the activities & the schedule and we enjoy every single moment of it. Basically, during our stay we we'll be taught how to play 5 traditional team games, we will work on a magazine in 3 languages and we we'll visit parts of Turkey in order to discover more about the history and culture. But actually, the best part about this project is seeing my bestfriends again, Sabire & Muge whom I missed dearly. 
As we have to attend physical education classes each morning, we must take our sport equipment and then change in the afternoon. Luckly, I convinced my teachers to allow me to wear what I like because if there is one thing that I hateeee wearing is my sport equipment in public. Yuch !! 
So this is pretty much today's post. I hope you enjoy this sneak-peak and I'll be back with more tomorrow!
Kisses xx



Yours truly, Julls ♥

May 7, 2012



MERHABA,dear readers ! Here are the first photos from Ankara, from yesterday.
After two flights we finally got to Istanbul and then, for 6 long hours we traveled by bus to Ankara. 
I fell asleep in a minute but I woke up extremly fresh and ready to start the trip. We visited a wonderful museum (pictures coming soon and they are fashion-related!), this amazing old citadel and of course, AnkMall where I put my hands on the Turkish ELLE. And, there is nothing much I can say about my outfit, as I wasn't able to unpack but now I'm in Yozgat and all my things are right where they should be : in the closet and on the floor :) 
I wish I could write more but we have to go to school and meet the Turkish team but I'll keep you updated ! Gule gule xx

Yours truly, Julls ♥

May 5, 2012

MAY NEWS | Not all those who wander are lost..

Hello deeeeear readers ! I'm incredibly lucky to announce that La Jolie Julie is changing its headquarters to Turkey for the next 12 days. Yeeeeeees ! I'm involved again in a school project and we're going to spend almost 2 weeks in Yozgat, learning about the Turkish lifestyle & culture and of course, improving our English.
I would love to tell you more about it but I have to finish packing and to make sure I don't forget anything important. So I leave you with these photos I took almost 2 weeks ago in Istanbul, Ankara, Capadocia and Hattusas and get ready to be a part of my adventure, as I plan to blog frequently after I arrive.
Güle güle ! xx
“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” Samuel Johnson
“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson
“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Beard
“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” – Aldous Huxley
Yours truly, Julls ♥

May 2, 2012



Hello dear readers ! As you've been kindly appreciating my haircut, I decided to present you the place and the people who make me feel fabulous each time I decide it's time for a change. 
 Edi Dabican has been my hairstylist for 5 years and I can't imagine anyone else taking better care of my hair than him. Almost a month ago he opened his salon, perfectly called  BOUDOIR SALON PRIVE (click & like) ! 
Here is a virtual tour of Edi's world but for a better experience make sure you make an appointment A.S.A.P. !
 RO: Saluuuut ! Pentru că de cele mai multe ori sunt complimentata pentru părul meu, m-am decis să vă prezint locul și persoanele care se ocupă de el cu mare grijă și ingeniozitate. Edi Dabican este stylistul la care apelez cu extrem de mare incredere de 5 ani încoace si nu-mi imaginez pe altcineva care  facă o  treaba mai buna cu  parul meu decât el. 
Acum o lună, cam așa, și-a deschis noul salon, numit pe bună dreptate BOUDOIR SALON PRIVE.
  Vă prezint un tur în fotografii al salonului & a muncii lui Edi, dar pentru o experiență adevărată vă recomand să vă faceți o programare cât mai  repede :) 

 From the moment you step in the studio, you are surrounded by a lovely atmosphere given by this vintage furniture, gorgeous wooden floor and the soft light. 
 Din momentul în care intrați în salon, sunteți înconjurați de o atmosferă foarte plăcută, cel mai probabil datorită mobilei vintage, a pardoselii din lemn și a luminii calme.
Besides getting the actual haircut, another wonderful thing in this studio is the head-massage you get while relaxing in these uber-confortable seats. You might as well enjoy a cup of tea /coffee and the ambiental music for a really, reaaaaaaally calming experience.
 Pe lângă coafura în sine, un alt lucru foarte tare la salon este masajul capilar pe care îl primești în timp ce te relaxezi în scaunele acestea extreeeeeeem de comode. Poți de asemenea să savurezi un ceai sau o cafea și să te bucuri de muzica ambientală în timp ce primești răsfățul acesta calmant.
After almost falling asleep in those armchairs, I get back in the seat for the exciting  and revigourating moment of seeing my hair falling on the floor and Edi's perfect technique at work.  
 După ce aproape am adormit în timpul masajului, m-am întors în scaun pentru momentul revigorant în care am văzut părul căzând pe podea și pe Edi aplicându-și tehnica perfectă. 
This time we went for an even shorter haircut, quite boyish I would say, but the touch of color gives the whole look more visual interest.  It can be easily "worn" 2 ways, as you'll see in the next post !
 De această dată am optat pentru o tunsoare și mai scurtă decât ultima, destul de băiețească, dar pata de culoare o face foarte interesanta. Și ce-mi place cel mai mult e că îmi pot "purta" părul pe ambele părți, dar asta o să vedeți în postarea viitoare !

Tadaaaam, that was all ! Now, don't forget to like Edi's studio Facebook page, BOUDOIR SALON PRIVE and don't forget to make an appointment. Take my word, you won't regret it ! 
 Buuun, asta a fost tot ! Nu uitați să dați like paginii salonului lui Edi, BOUDOIR SALON PRIVE  și nu uitați să vă faceți o programare ! Credeți-mă pe cuvânt, ME-RI-TĂ !  
 P.S. UPDATE : Pentru cei interesați de modă, hair & make-up vă anunț că se aproprie un nou CHATELIER! Dacă afișul nu vă face curioase, cu siguranță articolul  acesta
   vă va strani interestul :)
Yours truly, Julls ♥