
November 24, 2009

join the club

I hate Tuesdays.The classes are hard and some of them are booooring.But fortunatelly I had a small "photosesion" with Anna.Ana it's one of my best friends and my classmate.Today,she decided to start a fashion blog ! Go go go Anna.Her blog is : . I am happy when some romanian guy/girl decides to start a f-blog because round here people aren't that concerned about fashion and I actually don't know any fashion blogger from Romania besides me and Nana..That's odd.

Anyway,this is what I wore today:

Brown jeans from Stradivarius + boots + Vero Moda black cardigan + Caliope blouse (from my mom) +DIY wooden necklace + Dad's hat + cut out glove + Skunkfunk bag.

 Good Anna.Bad me.

Lovely kiss ! 

Long live the self-timer !

Some close-ups :

I am going to re-dye my hair red.Love it that way !

So,this was my Tuesday at school.Now I have lots of homework and painting classes with my grandpa ! 

And one last thing.I've just checked and I have 1000 views,100 post and 20 followers.Thank's a lot everybody.Love you ! 


  1. Hey! Thanks for your sweet comment :-) I like your blog too. You have fabulous style!

  2. cute outfit!!!

  3. yay! i wanna dye my hair too!@ but i'm too scared hahaah

  4. Adore adore your outfit with that hat!! And also one sided glove:)

    Love that hair flip tooo

  5. PS: mi-am luat ogg boots; da, da nici mie nu imi vine sa cred ca am facut asta :-?
    PPS: aratati super amandoua :*


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