This post is certainly not a fashion related post . I will do an outfit post tomorrow but now , now I feel like talking only about a lovely day, also known as today.
Today is my best friend's birthday. Super sweet 16.
I met Nana when I was 4 years old and we have been best friends ever since.
I must say Happy Birthday to her here as well, even tough I sent her a sms at midnight , I surprised her at 8 o'clock in the morning in front of her school and I said HB on facebook .
Love you , love you , love you :*
As I write this , I am speachless. I've just seen Dan Puric's show called Vis (Dream) . I know you don't know who this man is but actually, for me is the greatest romanian alive. I simply adore his way of thinking, his books, his shows ...everything about him. I am deeply grateful that I had the chance to see him perform.
That was all. Thank's all for reading this, if you did.
See you tomorrow with an outfit post :)
until next time, love love love