
November 30, 2010


Today is my birthday and my friends from Turkey did this as a present :
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I love you , my amazing friends !
Oh,is feels soo good to be 17!

November 29, 2010

the saturdays

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Hello everyone ! Well, these are the saturdays that I adore. After a quite stressing morning , trying to do my best in an english exam, this was the best reward. I spent the evening with Roxi, her brother and my sister,watching PPG and eating pizza.
Ahh, I fell winter in the air.
until next time, love love love

November 28, 2010


Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
Mmmm, I've always been a huge food fan. I really ,really enjoy eating and trying new dishes.
I think this is like a familly thing because my mom is a great cook and so is my father.
Hopefully, in order to turn this blog into a more personal one , I am going to highlight in a weekly post some of the best dishes my parents cook.
Here is what we had this week :)
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Mouthwatering, isn't it ?
until next time , love love love

November 24, 2010

C & C

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
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C & C = colorful and confortable. You know, we all have days in which all we want is to fell confortable and not to worry about clothes. This feel this often as I have to go to school every weekday ... Anyway, that's the reason why today's outfit is quite simple and ... teenagerish :)
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Now,that's all for today. I must go now, I'm sooooo tired.
until next time , love love love

November 23, 2010

lovely random events

This post is certainly not a fashion related post . I will do an outfit post tomorrow but now , now I feel like talking only about a lovely day, also known as today.
Today is my best friend's birthday. Super sweet 16.
I met Nana when I was 4 years old and we have been best friends ever since.
I must say Happy Birthday to her here as well, even tough I sent her a sms at midnight , I surprised her at 8 o'clock in the morning in front of her school and I said HB on facebook .
Love you , love you , love you :*
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As I write this , I am speachless. I've just seen Dan Puric's show called Vis (Dream) . I know you don't know who this man is but actually, for me is the greatest romanian alive. I simply adore his way of thinking, his books, his shows ...everything about him. I am deeply grateful that I had the chance to see him perform.
That was all. Thank's all for reading this, if you did.
See you tomorrow with an outfit post :)
until next time, love love love

November 18, 2010

and the stripes || and the stripes || and the stripes

Hello dear readers and welome new followers !
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I bought this blouse for "cloudy days" . Cloudy days are the ones in which you want to feel confortable without being like.. transparent. This blouse it is the most suitable for this kind of days , in my opinion : confortable, it stands out and it is so warm :)
Paired it with Vero Moda black jeans, SH boots, Teacher's Watch , Terranova hat and earring from Turkey.
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until next time, love love love

November 16, 2010

purple & gray

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
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During this last weekend I went shopping in stores and second hand stores with my mother. We were lucky enough to find some great pieces for this winter, including this (totally amazing) gray blazer. She knows I am a blazer-freak,and I can't blame her for not waiting to buy more blazers , because I own 27 . But this one is really special : great fabric, perfect color and small price.
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I paired it with a Melo e Grano purple t-shrits, an almost hand made broche and earring , Subculture jeans and second hand shoes.
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PS: Has anyone seen Temple Grandin ? Because I felt in love with that movie.
until next time, love love love

November 12, 2010


CLUJ FASHION WEEK pretty sucked. I'm dissapointed.
That is why I will spend this lovely weekend watching the last episode from Gossip Girl, drinking tea and finding new music and tomorrow ... shopping + party !
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what plans do YOU have for this weekend ?

November 10, 2010

11 / 9.

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yesterday was a lovely day - spent the morning with my the girls from my class , then we went to school for couple of hours and then at home , doing almost nothing. i really need more days like this, but CLUJ FASHION WEEK starts tomorrow and guess who has an all access free pass?
until next time, love love love

November 8, 2010

autumn is an inspiration , isn't it ?

Hello dear readers & new followers !
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Autumn is so pretty around here, even on November. And you cannot be inspired by something pretty that surrounds you :) Plus, a great song and some cookies to complete a lovely day !
until next time, love love love

November 7, 2010

what would my mama do ?

Hello dear readers & welcome new followers !
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Remember those times when your parent used to buy clothes for you ?
Well,it still happends to me sometimes. My mother loves finding clothes that are suitable for my style (at least from her point of view) and from time to time all I can say is : "You nailed it !".
This leather jacket is one of the best examples.
PS: Do you still get clothes from your parents ? // Do you like them ?
until next time, love love love

November 6, 2010

Oups, I kissed the king !

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Hello dear readers and new followers !
While being in Turkey, I lived out of a suitcase , but I really enjoyed it. And I took some outfits photos that I, of course, forgot to post. So here it is my green blazer & my BABE earring I wore when we visited Hattusha - the capital of the Hittite Empire in the late Bronze Age.
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I hope you are all having a great weekend :)
until next time,love love love

November 4, 2010

f l u f f y

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Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
I've been searching for the perfect pair of fluffy brown boots for 2 years and now I finally found THEM . It is no surprise I found them in a second had store for only 45 ron...
I created this outfit having my boots in mind and then I just added other items. The result ? A very cosy, confortable but still chic outfit for a sunny autum day.
PS: Can you believe how warm is in November this year ?
Until next time, love love love

November 2, 2010


I feel like I cannot start fresh unless I post some photos from Turkey.
Excuse my obsession :)
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I am ready to move forward. I hope..