
December 12, 2010

let it snow

Hello dear readers and welcome new followers !
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This is my outfit from a pretty white snowy friday. I expected it to rain and that's the reason why I have rainboots in my feet.But no, the Wathergoddes didn't care about my outfit picks and she gave us snow. What more can I say then let it snow,let it snow , let it snow...
PS: Thank's Nana for taking this photos despite the freezing cold.
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RO : Acesta este ţinuta de vineri , cand a nins încontinuu. Eu mă aşteptam să plouă şi de aceea m-am echipat cu cizme de ploaie.Dar se pare că Zeiţa Vremii avea alte planuri şi nu i-a prea păsat de cizmele mele.Ce pot să spun ? Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ..
PS: Mersi Nana că ai suportat mega-frigul ca să-mi faci pozele.
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until next time, love love love
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  1. Great outfit! I love the blazer and the necklace but I hope you weren't too cold :)

    Love, M

  2. The snow is such a pretty backdrop! Love your outfit, and that necklace is adorable. x

  3. your hair is gettin long and i really like how the snow is just there
    we dont get snow as a matter of fact is kinda sunny today
    you look adorable wearing that blazer!!!

  4. De la departare cizmele par ca au snowflakes desenate pe ele si vroiam sa spun ca ai atras ninsoarea prin fulgii de pe ele dar sunt skulls. Oricum, awesome rubber boots and props to you and Nana for enduring that cold weather.

  5. With wellies this brilliant I wouldn't wait for rain either :D
    Looking lovely

  6. You are too cute! I am in love with this outfit :)

    KF x

  7. whew.! your blog is awesome.!!

    i'm Luthfi, visit mine. and be friends :)


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