
September 16, 2011

PHOTOSHOOTING | Girls just wanna have fun


Posing in front of the camera has never been a problem for me. But when you have just met the photographer, the temperature is way out of your confort zone & it is the first time you do can get a bit awkward.Gloria, the lovely girl behind asked me to do it and because you never know until you try, i said ooh ok.However, even if it was fun in the end, I don't know if I'll do it again..NOT my thing.
I am pretty satisfied with my "homemade" photos :) 
Check out the rest of the shooting on and tell me what you think. 
Sa pozez in fata camerei n-a fost niciodata dificil pentru mine.Dar cand de-abia ai facut cunostinta cu fotograful, cand afara e muuuuult prea cald si cand e pentru prima oara cand faci asta..devine putin mai complicat si ciudat. Dar cand m-a rugat Gloria, tipa din spatele proiectului, am zis ca incerc. Oricum, nu stii niciodata cum e pana nu incerci :) Insa chiar daca a fost amuzant intr-un final, nu cred ca o sa o mai fac a doua oara pentru e de mine. O sa ma multumesc cu pozele facute de mama :))
Daca sunteti curiosi cum a iesit shooting-ul, intrati pe

Have a lovely weekend ! || Weekend placut ! 

Yours truly, Julls ♥


  1. I like the photos! i don't know how I will act either if someone I don't know asked me to be a part of a photoshoot, it will be strange!

  2. Gorgeous photos and I love your casual outfits.

  3. I like itt!

    Do you want to join my photo contest? Because I have almost 100 followers:) And I'm very happy. Visit my blog for more information. Thanks.

  4. Uau, arata super! Love love love the photos, you look great! :D

  5. Bonito post, tienes un bello blog,
    un placer pasar a saludarte.
    si te gusta la poesia te invito a mi blog.
    feliz fin de semana.

  6. love these photos! :) you jeans are cool.
    thanks for your lovely comment on my StyleLikeU post. I, like you, check StyleLikeU daily and totally love Rinat Welsing as well!! He is so fun! StyleLikeU is truly amazing and I would love to spread the word. But I didn't really understand your question, you asked "Would you mind doing a post about SLU soon?"...what did you mean by this? would love it if you got in touch soon! :)

    Love, Meena ♥

  7. ce vorbeşti?! m-am uitat la toate pozele şi sunt grozave! şi ai ieşit bine!! chiar dacă nu-s fff multe poze <3

  8. Pozele arata super ! Dc spui ca nu e de tn? :)) Pare exact invers.:) :*

  9. Thank you everyone !
    @Madiii si Just Claudia: da, sunt foarte multumita de cum au iesit cele 5-6 poze in final dar a fost tare ciudat sa pozez, nu m-am simtit chiar in largul meu da' na, a fost si asta o experienta :)


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