
September 14, 2011

OUTFIT : School time, baby !


Creating outfit for school has always been a bittersweet experience. Sometimes I'd love to put on something fancy but I then remember in the morning that I have classes in the gym that day so I must kiss goodbye my dreams and put on something confortable. Or sometimes I wake up too late and I somewhere between brushing my teeths & eating I must figure out what I'm going to wear that day. Oh, crazy years of highschool! 
But I thing I did a pretty good job this morning considering my lack of inspiration and the "i have nothing to wear" syndrome..
Să mă gândesc la un o ţinută pentru şcoală a fost mereu duce-amărui. Uneori aveam chef să ma îmbrac mai elegant dar apoi îmi aminteam că aveam sport în ziua aia aşa că trebuia să mă schimb în ceva comod. Sau zilele când nu sună alarma şi trebuie să te gandeşti mega rapid cu ce te vei îmbrăca. Ce nebunie!
Daaar totuşi cred că m-am descurcat destul de bine în dimineaţa asta, având în vedere lipsa de inspiraţie şi sindromul NU AM HAINE ! care pare a fi tot mai pronunţat...

wearing : Vero Moda jeans, random grey shoes & second hand shirt.

 If you follow my blog then you know I don't usually post personal photos but I wanted to make this post a bit special so I am adding this "polaroid" photo from school. 
Oh, I just feel is going to be an amazing year !


Yours truly, Julls ♥


  1. what a pretty outfit !!1 love the pants and the shirt's print !
    seem like you had fun at school! that's awsome!

  2. I sent u an e-mail with the red boots in HQ ;)

  3. uuh! chic chic <3
    văd ca a început distracţia la tine :)) multă baftă anul ăsta :D
    p.s.: sper să fie lucruri şi mai cheap aşa, abia aştept!... ne auzim >:D< noapte bună să ai!<3

  4. Thank yoooou so much for the lovely comment, darling!!
    Love these pink pants :))


  5. SH shirt - nice ;) After reading your post I realized that I have to start wake up early in the morning soon ;|

  6. I love your combination of skinny pink pants and gray oxfords, the colours are just perfect together! I often suffer from I have nothing to wear syndrome, so I sympathise completely... But I think you did really well with styling here :)

  7. Best of luck in your new school year! :D I love that top on you, it has a gorgeous print and wonderful colors! O.O

  8. you blessed peeson not having to wear an uniform.

  9. I love this! The print on that shirt is perfect and those jeans! Love them.

  10. Oh my you're the most fabulous school-girl ever! I'm loving the colors - that suits you best :)

    PS : i'm having a giveaway on my blog. Join here : <3


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