
November 8, 2009


This was a really nice weekend.My friend Criss invited me and Ana for a sleep-over at her house.Ana fall asleep very quicly but me and Criss talked until 4 am. It was really cosy and nice ! Then,in the morning we DIYed this t-shirts.My design and ideea. We love painting t-shirts , that way you know you are unique and cool.

We also watch MTV EMA.Great great great ! 


my t-shirt : 

my t-shirt and my tote bag : 

Criss's t-shirt.I found this ideea on a blog,but I can't remember the link.oups.

work,work ! 

Signature . 


And today me and Ana went to out english teacher to give us some tips for the English "Olimpics"..In Romania,once a year there is a test for pupils who are really good at english.I don't consider my self an expert in english but I am gonna try out my luck.Fingers crossed,everybody ! 

And this is what I wore today : leggings + ugg boots + shorts (the weather was warm and nice) + DIY bag + Jack Daniels Tshirt + black Cardigan + Hat (but you can't see it).

And ,one last thing : sorry for the non-outfit relatet posts.I don't have my fathers camera .. but I will try to use what I have and start again with the outfit posts.Also,a My place to dream post tomorrow !

Good night everyone ! 


  1. re: nee the fisheye is just edited :P But I will (!) buy a fish eye camera soooon ! Have too hehe
    Oh sounds like so much fun !! And really nice stuff you made ! :)

  2. awww. so cute. isit DIY? cool :D

  3. Oh those shirts look great! Now i know what i should do when i can't sleep.

  4. dat iara ca iulia nu stia ce facu-se roxana sambata si duminica
    te iubesc:*
    iubesc tricourile alea
    si de cand ai tu covor roz hmm?:-W
    si parchet maro inchis?:-W

  5. pentru roxi : e la criss acasa,scumpa :*

  6. I really love love the tote bag that you did ! Its so gorgeous :)

    And sleepovers are always such fun! Ohhhhh,we have the same boots that you're wearing. Still loving that tee of yours so much <3

  7. nice drawing julls!!
    great DIY tee..if you don't tell it, I won't know that it's a DIY thingy :D..


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