
January 31, 2010

Sunday morning !

I've always love sunday morning.Everything is so chill and calm.It's a blast drinking hot chocolate and bread and jelly while reading,or drawing or going trough the blogosphere. Also,wearing confortable clothes :
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This is the last cup I've bought.I find it quite..amazing :).
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And,don't forget about the music.Luckly,I've found on FANNAH's blog ( this amazing song and I needed to put it down here :
So,what do you ussualy do on sunday morning?

January 30, 2010

You want to go to the seaside ?

One of the lovliest days ! Oana celebrated her birthday (10 days later,but is ok) and we went for lunch @ McDonalds.Then we laughed a lot in the streets and later @ Studi Art & Performace and that place have become my favourite cafe - bar in the city.Such a great atmosphere and decorations !
And also,my grandpa has an exhibition at Art Museum ,so I went to see it :D (again , one of my favourite places to dream)
But anyway,let the photos speak for themselves :
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(wearing : fake doc martens, black jeans , new yorker tee , diy blazer , diy bag , pull & bear and seaside accesories , sh hat)
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In the streets !
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Too many photos @ Studio !
love you love you love you love you
Have a nice Sunday everyone !
PS: While chilling , I heard The Kooks - Seaside and I used to listen a lot to it. Reviewing my obsession :

January 28, 2010

Without music life would be a mistake.

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Hello there ! Finally,an outfit post for this week ! Starting tomorrow,we'll have a week off from school ! A great time for a short holiday. Hopefully,I'll get to DIY some blazers (tell you more about this in another post) and read more and paint,cause I haven't been doing it since a long time.
Here is what I wore today at school :
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(fake Doc Martens, Pimkie pants, New Yorker top, Marc Aurel + DIY blazer + Pull&Bear necklaces)
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(photos : self and House M.D.)
Gotta go.Just have bought ELLE.Good night !
PS: Obssessed with STARSAILOR !

January 26, 2010

This guy made me want to remain simple,and become cooler !

Ritchie Chan from Stylelikeu on Vimeo.

“I think the most inspirational place is the shower. It’s the most inspiring location I can go to if I lack ideas. I just take a shower, and when I come out, [my mind is exploding] with ideas. The entire idea of the Project White T-Shirt and my company was thought out in the shower.” Ritchie Chan
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January 22, 2010


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MISs.TAKES poster.

One of the best days :) ! Equipped with hardcore clothes,(not so much) patiace and a camera , Ana,Me,Adi & Deni,Oana made out first short movie ! We'll use it in a contest,and luckly we'll win !

I adore the name out teacher found.It can mean MISTAKE ,or MiSS TAKES or MISS (like I miss you) TAKES.Truly impressive,just like Anna's idea for the shortmovie.

Promise,I'll post it when it's finished.

How many of you did a short movie or want to ?
coming soon : MISsTAKES.

January 20, 2010

Do Your Music !

Hello there ! So,as promissed, here is my DIY project :

All you need : an old blazer in any color ( I chose a classic white one) , Textile Paint , some small brushes and...a little bit of patience.Also,you can draw whatever you want,just use your imagination !

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If you DIYourself,let me know ! I'd like to see your ideas !

I'll wear my beauty tomorrow,at theatre ! Hopefully , I'll get to take some photos during the day :).

And , rememeber , "Music is the art of thinking with sounds ! "

January 19, 2010

Set you free

Quick outfit post,before I go to my french classes :

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Fake Doc Martens , New Yorker jeans, Black top, DIY studded t-shirt, Terranova plaid shirt , Pull&Bear necklace , 2 silver rings.

I need warm weather so badly.I'd like to wear only this,without any winter coat and scarf...I don't hate winter , I just don't love her anymore..

Winter,I set you free !

PS: My last DIY kinda failed,but I'm working at a new one! Photos,soon !

January 18, 2010

back to school,ring the bell

Here are some photos I took in our classroom today :

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We are not that "perfect class" but we get on well with each others,sometimes..I still love them (should I say,some of them).

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And here are 2 goodies I found yesterday @ MOA and Pull&Bear! Love the necklace,I wanted it so much !

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Have a nice Tuesday everyone ! Cause I`ll have just another full day , with rehearshals and french extraclasses and homework !

January 17, 2010


Yesterday,I went with my sister and her friend @ McDonald's to hang out for her birthday ! I didn't expect to have so much fun,but actually we laughed a lot , EAT a lot (not me,just a Maxi Chicken Salad and Lipton Ice Tea-I'm very determined to loose some weigth.) and it was pretty awesome !

I wore a complete black outfit ( I really felt in that mood to wear black) so I put on my fake Doc Martens,leggings, my Jack Daniels tee and my DIY Studded Blazer :

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And here are some other photos :

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Have a nice Sunday everyone !

January 16, 2010

Oscar Wilde-Portretul lui Dorian Grey

Imi plac oamenii mai mult decat principiile,si nimic nu-mi displace mai mult pe lume decat oamenii fara principii. Nu exista nimic pe lume care sa nu poata fi exprimat de catre Arta. Inima mea nu va ajunge niciodata sub microscopul lor! In zilele noastre,o inima zdrobita se trage in editii nenumarate. In asemenea clipe , Harry, am impresia ca mi-am daruit intregul suflet cuiva care se poarta cu el ca si cand ar fi o floare de pus la butoniera,o decoratiune menita sa-i maguleasca vanitatea sau o podoaba pentru o zi de vara. Cei care raman fideli nu cunosc decat latura usurateca a dragostei; numai infidelii ii cunosc tragediile. Numai simturile si nimic altceva pot lecui sufletul,la fel cum dupa numai sufletul si nimic altceva poate lecui simturile. Stii mai multe decat crezi ca stii, la fel cum stii mai putine decat ai vrea sa stii. Frumusetea e o parte a Geniului. Decadem mereu pana ajungem niste marionete dezgustatoare,bantuite de amintirea pasiunilor de care prea rau ne-am speriat si a inspitelor carora nu am avut curajul sa ne supunem.Tinerete ! Tinerete ! Pe lume nu exista nimic inafara de tinerete ! Singura deosebire intre capriciu si o pasiune de o viata intreaga , e ca un capriciu dureaza ceva mai mult. In spatele fiecarui amanunt fermecator existent in viata ,se ascunde ceva tragic. Sa-ti proiectezi sufletul intr-o anumita forma gratioasa, si sa-l lasi acolo sa zaboveasca o clipa ; sa-ti auzi ecoul propriilor ganduri subtile intorcandu-se la tine imbogatite cu muzica pasiunii si tineretii ; sa convertesti un temperament intr-un altul, ca si cum ai lucra cu un fluid subtil sau un parfum straniu ; toate acestea inseamna o adevarata bucurie - poate cea mai deplina bucurie ce ne-a ramas in inste vremuri atat de marginite si vulgare cum sunt vremurile noastre, vremuri ce urmaresc placeri grosolan carnale si teluri grosolan de vulgare. In simpatia moderna fata de durere exista ceva teribil de morbid. Omenirea prea se ia in serios. Daca omul cavernerol ar fi stiut sa rada, istoria ar fi avut un alt curs. Singurul lucru pe care nu-l regreti niciodata sunt greselile. Tot ce vreau in clipa de fata e sa privesc viata.Poti veni sa o privesti impreuna cu mine,daca te intereseaza. Femeile,niciodata n-au nimic de spus,dar o spun incantator. Barbatii se insoara pentru ca se plictisesc; femeile fiindca sunt curioase ; si amandoi raman dezamagiti. Traim o cumplita sete de senzatii.. ..totdeauna vei fi indragostit de dragoste. Artistii mari exista numai in ceea ce fac, si prin urmare raman cu totul neinteresanti in ceea ce sunt. Separatia dintre spirit si materie e un mister, dupa cum contopirea spiritului cu materia tot mister e. Copii incep prin a-si iubi parintii; pe masura ce cresc,ii judeca; si cateodata ii iarta. A fi indragostit inseamna a te intrece pe tine insuti. Niciodata nu am fost atat de fericit.Sigur ca e ceva neasteptat: asa sunt toate lucrurile cu adevarat incantatoare. Buzele mele au pornit catre ale ei. Mi se parea ca toata viata care exista in mine s-a adunat strans intr-un singur punct rosu,un singur punct de bucurie pura. De cate ori suntem fericiti , suntem si buni dar nu de cate ori suntem buni,suntem fericiti. Fiindca in fata ta eu reprezint toate pacatele pe care nu ai avut curajul sa le faptuiesti. Femeile,asa cum a observat un francez foarte spiritual , ne trezesc intotdeauna dorinta de a creea capodopere si intotdeauna ne impiedica sa le ducem la bun sfarsit. Teatrul prost dauneaza moralului. Nu exista decat 2 feluri de oameni absolut fascinanti - cei care stiu totul si cei care nu stiu nimic. Femeile traiesc prin sentimente. Oare pot sa simta,ma intreb,oamenii aceia albi si tacuti carora le spunem morti,mai pot sa simta? M-ai fi facut sa ma indragostesc de dragoste pentru tot restul vietii. Singurul farmec al trecutului e ca a ramas in trecut. Culorile obosite alunecau de pe lucruri. Trecutul poate fi totdeauna sters cu buretele dar din fata viitorului nu te poti sustrage. Fiecare dintre noi ascunde in sine Raiul si Iadul. Poate ca omul nu se simte niciodata mai in largul sau decat atunci cand joaca teatru. Femeile isi incearca norocul ; barbatii si-l pun in primejdie. Viata e o mare dezamagire. Uratenia e singura realitate. -Eu proclamam adevarurile zilei de maine. -Eu prefer greserile zilei de azi. A defini inseamna a limita. Si ce crezi despre Arta ? / Este o boala. / Dragostea ? / O amagire. / Religia ? / Un surogat la moda folosit in locul Credintei. Orice succes in viata iti creaza dusmani. De fiecare data cand iubim e singura oara cand am iubit vreodata. Niciodata nu am alergat dupa fericire.Cui ii trebuie fericire ? Eu am cautat placere. Viata a fost modalitatea ta de exprimare artistica.AI facut din propria-ti viata o simfonie.Si din fiecare zi un sonet. Liinile buzelor tale rescriu istoria.

January 14, 2010

Shade of red

Just a quick outfit post,cause mabye you are getting bored with all my personal life postst.This is what I wore today at school :).

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Gotta go now,one last day of school,and than hopefully I'll get some good sleep during the weekend ! Have a nice day everyone !

PS: Tommoroe,DIY (secret) project tutorial !