
September 30, 2011


Thank God for colors ! They really make a difference - whenever I put on something colorful I feel so happy and confident. I am interested in finding more about the pshycological effect of colors. If you know any books, movies or sites about this subject, please, don't keep it to yourself
And also, I am going to make some changes on this blog, just to make your time spent here more fun.
I wish you all a fabulous weekend xo
Wearing :
Deichman sandals / H&M pants / New Yorker T-shirt/ Second-hand Shirt/ Handmade Necklace
Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 27, 2011

age appropriate


Sometimes, being confortable is all that matters ! I am still a teenager, after all..

Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 25, 2011

oh, it is you again !


Autumn is my favourite season ever - I just love the way I feel during this 2-3 months. 
I am full of enthusiasm but I am also melancholic. 
I'm eager to learn as much as I can about everything but in the same time I love wasting time underneath my blanket. In my life, contrasts are essential. 
Toamna e anotimpul meu preferat - ador felul in care ma simt in cele 2-3 luni.
Sunt plina de entuziasm dar sunt si tare melancolica.
Am o sete de a invata cat mai mult despre orice dar in acelasi timp ador sa pierd vremea in pat, la caldurica.
In orice caz, contrastele sunt necesare in viata mea.


I wish you all a fabulous week !

Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 21, 2011


How perfect do I want my youth to be ? THIS perfect. 
 Click play, but remember :  it's contagious.

Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 19, 2011

OUTFIT | Life is the sum of all your choices. [Albert Camus]


Decisions, decisions, decisions. This is what I've been dealing with lately.Grr,I hate making decisions!Especially important ones like choosing an university.
Why can't I use my paper-rock-scissors emergency kit?
Seems like I am very decesive when it comes to avoiding decisions.But, until I figure out what I want, I leave you with this short and colorful  outfit post. Oh, and it would be really helpful to tell me how you deal with making important decisions !
Decizii, decizii, decizii. Cu asta mă ocup în ultima vreme.Vai, dar urasc să iau decizii aşa importante precum alegerea unei facultăţi. Nu aş putea să folosesc oare trusa de prim ajutor, cea cu piatră-hârtie-foarfece?
Daaaaar până mă decid ce si cum vă las cu ţinuta asta colorată şi sper să va placă. A şi tare aş aprecia daca mi-aţi zice cum v-aţi decis voi ce facultate veţi urma..
PS: NOTICE A CHANGE ? I have a new haircut lalalalalalala ♥
PS: Vedeţi vreo schimbare, ceva? M-AM TUNS lalalala !


Yours truly, Julls ♥

OUTFITS : something worth having is something worth waiting for

As you can see, my body measurements aren't quite 90-60-90. That is why sometimes it's hard to find clothes that fit perfectly & don't cost a fortune. But, never give up.Keep on searching and searching and searching. This pair of high-waited black pants is the reason why I've been waiting (impatiently) the Grand H&M Opening in my city. I feel really confortable in them and I think they make my legs look a bit longer.What do you think?
Anyway, I am the only one guilty for not having a perfect body. But I've just found out how linked the body with the mind & the soul are so I decided to work my butt off until I make this three one.
După cum se vede, corpul meu nu e ca şi corpul unui model. De aceea e chiar o bătaie de cap să-mi găsesc haine care să îmi vină perfect şi să nu coste chiar cât alocaţia pe următorii 2 ani. Dar, nu renunţ ! Am tot căutat şi căutat şi căutat până am dat de pantalonii ăştia cu talie înaltă de la H&M - fericirea absolută că s-a deschis şi în Cluj ! Mă simt perfect când îi îmbrac şi mi se pare că îmi fac picioarele să pară mai lungi, nu ?
Oricum, e doar vina mea că îmi neglijez corpul. Dar am aflat de curând cât de strânsă e legătura dintre corp şi minte şi emoţii aşa că-mi voi pune fundicu la treabă până când ăstea trei vor fii pe aceeaşi unda.Luck needed.
Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 16, 2011

PHOTOSHOOTING | Girls just wanna have fun


Posing in front of the camera has never been a problem for me. But when you have just met the photographer, the temperature is way out of your confort zone & it is the first time you do can get a bit awkward.Gloria, the lovely girl behind asked me to do it and because you never know until you try, i said ooh ok.However, even if it was fun in the end, I don't know if I'll do it again..NOT my thing.
I am pretty satisfied with my "homemade" photos :) 
Check out the rest of the shooting on and tell me what you think. 
Sa pozez in fata camerei n-a fost niciodata dificil pentru mine.Dar cand de-abia ai facut cunostinta cu fotograful, cand afara e muuuuult prea cald si cand e pentru prima oara cand faci asta..devine putin mai complicat si ciudat. Dar cand m-a rugat Gloria, tipa din spatele proiectului, am zis ca incerc. Oricum, nu stii niciodata cum e pana nu incerci :) Insa chiar daca a fost amuzant intr-un final, nu cred ca o sa o mai fac a doua oara pentru e de mine. O sa ma multumesc cu pozele facute de mama :))
Daca sunteti curiosi cum a iesit shooting-ul, intrati pe

Have a lovely weekend ! || Weekend placut ! 

Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 14, 2011

OUTFIT : School time, baby !


Creating outfit for school has always been a bittersweet experience. Sometimes I'd love to put on something fancy but I then remember in the morning that I have classes in the gym that day so I must kiss goodbye my dreams and put on something confortable. Or sometimes I wake up too late and I somewhere between brushing my teeths & eating I must figure out what I'm going to wear that day. Oh, crazy years of highschool! 
But I thing I did a pretty good job this morning considering my lack of inspiration and the "i have nothing to wear" syndrome..
Să mă gândesc la un o ţinută pentru şcoală a fost mereu duce-amărui. Uneori aveam chef să ma îmbrac mai elegant dar apoi îmi aminteam că aveam sport în ziua aia aşa că trebuia să mă schimb în ceva comod. Sau zilele când nu sună alarma şi trebuie să te gandeşti mega rapid cu ce te vei îmbrăca. Ce nebunie!
Daaar totuşi cred că m-am descurcat destul de bine în dimineaţa asta, având în vedere lipsa de inspiraţie şi sindromul NU AM HAINE ! care pare a fi tot mai pronunţat...

wearing : Vero Moda jeans, random grey shoes & second hand shirt.

 If you follow my blog then you know I don't usually post personal photos but I wanted to make this post a bit special so I am adding this "polaroid" photo from school. 
Oh, I just feel is going to be an amazing year !


Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 13, 2011

MUSIC of the Week !

This is what I've been listening to like crazy lately. Enjoy !
Tomorrow : OUTFIT POST !

Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 12, 2011

while we have the sun

School has just started. So somewhere between studying, studying and styding I'll try to post more exciting outfits + I have a small project that will start on this blog very soon. I wish you all a really fabulous week xo

Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 11, 2011

who's laughing now ?

EN : ... I am. Why ? Because I have the craziest mom ever who can't seem to focus while talking some random blog photos ! She laughs for no reason or she starts the usual "oh, you are so sweet!" - "haha,looking hot girl" type of thing. No wonder my photos aren't as professional as they should be. Who said blogging is an easy job , wasn't a blogger ! Anyway, I hope you'll still enjoy these photos. 
Another school year will begin tomorrow  so goodluck everyone :*
RO: De ce credeţi că râd ca o isterica în pozele ăstea? Pentru că am cea mai nebună mama din univers care nu poate să facă nişte poze pentru blog fără să râdă sau fără să-mi zică "hahaa, ce drăguuuţă esti" sau "mamaa,cineva e hot astăzi". Nu mă mir că pozele nu ies aproape nicidata cum aş vrea eu să iasă. Cine a spus că să fi blogger e uşor sigur nu a avut o mamă ca a mea ! În orice caz, sper să vă placă pozele...
Mâine începe iar şcoala şi vă urez mult succes tutuor !

Nevertheless, I love you mom ! (and Toto)
În orice caz, te iubesc mami ! (şi pe Toto)


Yours truly, Julls ♥

September 9, 2011

Une chanson que tout le monde aime !

What can be better than one of your favourite artists releasing a single in one of your favourite languages ?!

Merci beaucoup, Mika xo

September 7, 2011

DO IT YOURSELF : coolest notebooks for fall-winter


On monday we'll all be back to school and what other way to start fresh than with some really cool notebooks in your school bag ? None of the available notebook patterns caught my attention so I decided to customise the cheepest ones. All you need is : old magazines or fashion catalogues, a pair of scissors, glue, free time  and well,  imagination. Hope you like mine and good luck ! Yours truly, Julls ♥





PS: If someone got inspired by this post and personalised the notebooks, I'd love to see the result !

September 6, 2011

as purple as grapes


Hello everyone ! This is one outfit that I wore quite a lot this summer, especially on sundays. I adore everything about it - the shirt from my aunt with that interesting back details, skinny jeans and last but definitely not least THE SHOES. Not only they are a present from a dear friend but they are also soo confortable and they smell of grapes.I guarantee you'll see them a lot in my feature posts ! See you soon xo






Yours truly, Julls ♥