
October 31, 2012



Hello readers ! This is just a quick outfit post because I have to make my Halloween costume & makeup :) This is what I wore today - which was quite a busy day, running from school to an interview then to the library, then to a meeting and so on...pfuuu ! Hope you like it xx 
See you soon & Happy Halloween !! 
Alohaaa ! Din nou pe fugă, postez asta rapid şi apoi mă duc să-mi pregatesc costumul de Halloween. E prima ora oficială când merg la un Halloween party chiar în ziua de Halloween şi de abia astept >:) !
Cât despre outfitul de azi... e unul foarte lejer, cât să nu îngheţ, căci am avut de fugit de la şcoală la un interviu, apoi la biblioteca şi tot aşa... Greu viaţa ;)) 
Distracţie faină vă doresc tuturor azi şiiii ne auzim în curând xx !

PS: Voi în ce vă cosumaţi ?


Yours truly, Julls ♥
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October 29, 2012

OCTOBER | autumn flavoured weekend in Maramures


Hello dear readers ! I am happy to share with you some random photos from my relaxing weekend. Dad took the spontanous decision to go to Maramures for the weekend to visit my grandparents and how could I say no to that ? I am always surprised how reinvigourated I feel after such a trip. I don't know that it is that makes me feel like this : seeing my grandparents ? spending quality time with my best friends ? the mountain air ? the monastery ? the amount of sleep and lack of internet connection mabye ? I don't know which one is the secret to my happy days, but I am glad it's working. 
PS: Mabye I exaggerated a bit with the amount of photos, but I hope you'll enjoy them xx


Bună seara, dragi cititori! Weekendul trecut am avut plăcerea de a fugi în Maramureş şi a fost aşaaaaaa de bine. Dacă nu m-ar despărţi 200+ de kilometri şi dependenţa de mijloacele de transport, aş merge cel puţin o data pe lună .. De ce? Pentru că după fiecare tură de destrasare în Maramureş mă întorc acasă foarte calmă, inspirată şi cu chef de muncă. Nu ştiu care e motivul pentru care mă simt aşa revigorată ...să fie aerul de munte ? crizele de râs cu cei mai buni prieteni? cele 10-11 ore de somn pe noapte ? slujba de duminică de la Mânăstire ? peisajele şi atmosfera locului ? Chiar nu ştiu. 
Poate vă daţi voi seama din pozele următoare şi îmi spuneţi şi mie :)
V-am pupat şi ne auzim în curâââând ! xx


1. A huge flock of birds near Cluj. 2. Outfit for a very windy day. 3. The main croassroad in Barsana. 4. My sister waiting for someone to pick us up and take us to Sighet (yes, we hitchhiked and it was dooooope). 


5. A small outfit shooting while waiting for Petrica in Sighet.  6. A storm was waiting for us...7. Amazing architecture in Sighetul-Maramatiei.  8.That, in comparison with my grandparent's backyard. 


9. Crashing at Petrica's place.  10. The next morning, at Barsana Monastery.Don't miss it if you visit Romania.  11.Typical tourist photos. 12. The most peaceful place I've ever seen. 


13. Beautiful colors at the Monastery. 14. The hills surrounding us. 15. Back on the road, near Cavnic.   16. Rain, rain, rain until we got home. 

Yours truly, Julls ♥ 
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October 26, 2012

OCTOBER | home is where your ♥ is


Hello dear readers ! On Sunday, I got the chance to see my hometown from a totally different angle. The tower of our highest catholic church was open to the public and when I saw this, I pretty much forced my bestfriend to climb with me. It wasn't such an easy climb, as there are sooooo many stairs and they are all in a bad condition. But once we got to the top, it was all worth it :). 

Cluj-Napoca is such an amazing city - quite big, full of history but also modern, it resembles many Occidental cities, such as Prague or Wien. I never cease to find new and interesting places in it, even if I was born and raised here. I have only one advice for you : if you ever come to Romania, don't miss CLUJ-NAPOCA, the heart of Transylvania !


Duminica trecută am fost tareeeee fericită. Plimbându-ma prin centru cu cel mai bun prieten, am văzut   deschis turnul bisericii din Matei Corvin şi un-doi am zbughit-o. Chiar dacă m-am născut şi am crescut în Cluj, n-am avut niciodată şansa să urc în turn - ba eram plecată, ba uitam că e dechis, etc. Aşa că duminică am fost ca un copil în faţa borcanului cu bomboane. Am urcat gâfâind toate cele n+1 scări şi tadaaam, am văzut Clujul altfel pentru prima oara. 

Eu sunt foarte îndrăgostită de acest oraş, mi se pare că le are pe toate : e liniştit comparativ cu capitala, dar e plin de viaţă când vin studenţii. Nu e nici prea mare, nici prea mic şi ai o gramadăăă de locuri de văzut şi chestii de făcut în el. 

Dacă nu aţi vizitat niciodată Clujul, vă aştept cu drag ! xx 


Yours truly, Julls ♥
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October 25, 2012



Hello dear readers ! Here we are again, with a post about Fall Essentials in collaboration with ClothingLoves. Today I am going to talk about the VEST - a truly MUST HAVE item in the cold season and not only

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You can buy this vest on  CLOTHINGLOVES HERE

The vest used to be an exclusive item  for men and boys. They were wearing it to very formal occasions or to fancy events, such as an opera concert or a ball. The vest would have given the wearer a touch of elegance when he took his blazer off. Also, there was one golden rule : the vest should always match the neck accessories (the tie or bowtie). Nowadays , this rule is no longer needed, as more and more people try and personalize their own style without any limits. 

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You can buy this vest CLOTHINGLOVES HERE

As the vest is an easy to wear and easy to maintain item, the girls have started to adopt it too. Designers quickly noticed that and they begun to create them in many colors and from various fabrics. Nowadays, the most worn types of vests are : the jeans vest, the fur vest, the leather one and also the woolen vest. I bet you all have in your closet at least one from the categories mentioned above, don't you ?

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You can buy this vest on  CLOTHINGLOVES HERE !

You can wear the vest in any style you want. If you want to be a rockstar, you can go for a leather vest or you can recreate that inocent school-girl look by wearing a woolen one. Also, it is the perfect item for night too - just add a shinny vest on top of a white T-shirt and you are ready to partyyy ! 

I hoped I convinced you how important and useful is to own any kind of vest. Also, if you liked the ones in the images, you can purchase them at such a smaaaaaaaall price from ClothingLoves ! 
See you tomorrow with an outfit post ! Love love xx

PS: Articolul în limba română îl puteţi găsi pe FLASH ME, dând click chiar AICI ! :)

Yours truly, Julls ♥
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October 22, 2012



Hello dear readers ! So here you have some photos of my newest aquisition from the GARAGE SALE event on Saturday. Yes, I am talking about this crazy furrish hat - it was love at first sight, so don't blame me for wearing fur, pleasee :) The event was a total succes, there were a loooot of people who came to see what we have to sale and it was a lovely atmosphere. Ana and Madalina (from INDIE CHASE BLOG ) came by and we had a really funny shooting. 
I am in love with the result, the light is si wonderful and I can't wait to see Mada's post. 
See you soon xx


Pam-paaaam ! Dacă vă întrebaţi ce e veveriţa aia moartă din capul meu... ei bine, e noua mea căciulă preferată pe care nu aş mai da-o jos nici la duş ! Nu sunt o fană a blănii, mi se pare crud şi inutil să omori nişte animale doar ca să evidenţezi snobismul dar... când am văzut căciula asta la Garage Sale, n-am putut să nu o iau acasă. Aştept să vină iarna să o port day'n'night .. dar până atunci mă bucur enorm de aceste zile călduroase şi însorite. Pozele ăstea le-am făcut Sâmbătă după-masa când au venit Ana şi Mădălina pe la GARAGE SALE. Îmi place la nebunie cum a fost surprinsă lumina şi de abia aştept să văd postarea Mădălinei (pe INDIE CHASE BLOG, evident) pentru că ne-am fotografiat reciproc. Până atunci mă întorc la cărţile pentru şcoală şi ne vedem mâine cu articolul pentru Flash Me ! V-am pupaaaat xx


&& some photos from the GARAGE SALE ! You can find more on Madalina's blog, HERE xx


Yours truly, Julls ♥

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