Hello dear followers :)
Mabye you knew this or mabye you don't, but I am a huge believer.
I believe in many things. In God & Bible, in faith & love and in pure kindness. Mabye this is a disatvantage in this shallow world but it is just the way I am. On the other hand, some things are so fascinating to me that I need to find an explination in order to fully understand them.
For example, INSPIRATION.
Can anyone describe the feeling you have when you are truly inspired ?
I tought mabye a dictionary would help me so I consulted one. This is the definition:
a). a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or het to receive and communicate sacred revelation and b) the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions. Ok, I can take it. But I think it is more than this.
It is a spontaneous feeling that gives you butterflies in your stomach, an inexhaustible amount of energy and excitement. You can almost feel your brain processing all those ideas and time or space seems irrelvant. Oh, to be inspired, what a glorious feeling ! Isn't it ?
Have you ever asked yourselves what triggers this state ?
I think inspiration is everywere and we only need to open our eyes and SEE, not look, but SEE.
We are surrounded by the most amazing things and we have to let them in out lives.
I don't think that you can be brilliant and ignorant in the same time.
You know what inspires me ?
BLOGS and so much more.
I would be so happy if you could define inspiration.
Come on, give it a try in a comment below.
photo credit : http://thecompletetruth.se